„As he succeeds in writing a metamorphosis of Mahler’s Adagietto while making a lovesong, Ehrenfellner proves the innovation of tonality“
Salzburger Festspiele – Operncamp 2024
Offenbach – Hoffmanns Erzählungen. Youth Opera Camp
Passwort: Klassik Wiener Philharmoniker
Respighi trittico am Elsa Lingens Gymnasium Wien
ICMA Composers Award 2025
Christoph Ehrenfellner is awarded the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA).
About me…
Vienna/Salzburg-originated composing, conducting and violin-performing in distinctive tone and quality from the year 1975.
Gidon Kremer, Leif Segerstam, Emmanuel Tjeknavorian, Matthias Schorn, Christoph Sietzen, Enrico Pace, Erwin Ortner, Daniel Klajner enthusiastically play Ehrenfellner’s music.
Wiener Musikverein, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Cité de la Musique Paris, Royal Albert Hall London, Oji Hall Tokyo, the Festivals Grafenegg, Styriarte, Carinthian Summer, Dialoge Salzburg, Wiener Festwochen, Allegro Vivo, Viola-Space Tokyo have acclaimed Ehrenfellner-premiers.
Mozarteum Orchester Salzburg, Mexico City Phil., NÖ Tonkünstler, Loh-Orchester Sondershausen, Turku Phil., OSN Nancy, OSN Mulhouse, OSN St.Domingo, Philharmonia Prague, Wiener Jeunesse Orchester, Krasnojarsk Chamber Orch. hold their Ehrenfellner-encounters.
Doblinger Wien is the exclusive publisher of his works. Ehrenfellner is honorary member of the Japan-Austria-Cultural-Association.
Christoph Ehrenfellner connects the arts of conducting, composing and performing in unique style, looking back onto tradition run by Mahler, Stokowski, Britten and Bernstein. Writing new operas for Mainfranken Theater Würzburg and Theater Nordhausen 2021 is as compelling as recording a complete cycle of Beethoven Violin Sonatas (Tokyo 2019). Conducting Ehrenfellner ‘Fantaisie Pathétique’ @ Mexico City Phil (2017) thrills as much as driving Vienna Jeunesse Orchestra through Kalevi Ahos ‘Sieidi’ – Martin Grubinger on the drums (2020)!
In cooperation with the sensational Krasnojarsk Chamber Orchestra and Loh-Orchester Sondershausen Christoph Ehrenfellner created various arrangements for violin&orchestra on Schubert, Beethoven and original Ehrenfellner-compositions, which he performs.
Full-blooded musicianship deeply roots in the past and grabs the present with passionate hands – find out about the world of Christoph Ehrenfellner here!
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