A classic in the modern era…!
The jury-members of the International Classical Music Awards ICMA focus on Christoph Ehrenfellner as ‚Composer of the Year 2025‘. This great honour awarded by 16 European nations specially celebrates the 4 outstanding operas from the rich catalogue of the Salzburg-born Musician: Mae Mona op.7, Judas op.31, Kein&Abel op.49 and – recently premiered at Mainfranken Theater Würzburg – Karl&Anna op.48. Firmly in the footsteps of B.Britten and G.v.Einem (W.Sinkovicz, Die Presse) Ehrenfellner’s style is incorruptible from vogues and fashions in modern writing. It focuses on efficiency as Ehrenfellner absorbs such writing from R.Wagner, R.Strauss, A.Berg and the great German tradition.
A rebel against intolerance!
Another aspect of the Jury’s decision screens Ehrenfellner’s uncompromising focus on style, form, condensed thematical writing and the musical efficiency of his work on stage. Against all odd obstacles and resistance, which he experienced in meeting actual Viennese ‚Modernism‘ at Universities, cultural boards and institutions, Ehrenfellner follows his instincts as a musician and performing artist. This incorruptible attitude makes him a true rebel against the still existing dogma of hermetic writing, which would still include avoiding consonance, tonalities and all sorts of defined romantic feelings as of today.
Wiener Blut 200…Gala-concert at Tonhalle Düsseldorf!
For the winner’s Gala-concert on March 19th 2025 at Tonhalle Düsseldorf Christoph Ehrenfellner chose to write a blossoming Hommage to Vienna, the town in 200th birthday-fever of Johann Strauss. Some 44 years ago H.K. Gruber composed his Charivari, perpetuing the famous Perpetuum Mobile of Johann Strauss, twisting it into a desastrous rubbish-bin of Vienna’s musical left-overs. The critical meaning was all too clear in the town of east-west espionage, of politically covered crime, yet of a celebrating shiny society on it’s surface at the same time. Today Ehrenfellner takes upon a new test of the status quo in the town of his life, in his home-town for the past 30 years. He makes audible the complex unity of ambiguous phenomenon in the new piece, just as well as the true passion for elegance, lightness and for a good sense of humour. Stay tuned via the ICMA Gala-concert on YouTube!