J.Offenbach – Les Contes d‘ Hoffmann
What an ambitious plan to prepare a play-version of this jewel of French Operetta for our musical kids aged 10 – 12!! We did it anyway and landed a storm of enthusiasm for our show at the big Studio Hall of Mozarteum Salzburg. A fantastic arrangement by Viennese composer-arranger Tscho Theissink for YouthChoir and Orchestra, completed with texts by our wonderful stage directress Rachel Thiel, went on stage with the help of members of the Vienna Phil Orchestra backing some 40 youngsters in the pit. The complex plot of the original Hoffmann sujet featuring the poet’s mad love for 3 different ladies was symbolized by 3 colours on stage. Very cleverly Rachel Thiel made Hoffmann appear as an outsider from society, whose dubious past must have made him seem unworthy for love. The finale could correct this faliure touchingly.
The Team at Arenberg castle
Christoph Ehrenfellner as the musical director of this production could rely on the work of wonderful colleagues, and on the experienced team of Hanne Muthspiel, who founded and pulled through the idea of Opera Camps for the Young in Salzburg for 18 years already. Arenberg Castle was the luxurious location for a week of intense musical and scenical work with some 60 participants and a team of tutors. The acclaimed German director Rahel Thiel with her partner for stage-design+costumes, Judith Franke, have managend to pull off a 60min show with all the kids on stage, and at times 40 of them in the pit, where the colleagues of the Vienna Phil were waiting for them to join in. What a great experience for all of us, what a wonderful atmosphere, what a extraordinarz thing to do!
a project hosted by the Vienna Phil…
The whole idea of the Young Opera Camps at Salzburg Festival derives from a committment of the Vienna Phil towards young musicians and audience. Together with the Festival directory they took upon a vision of Hanne Muthspiel to realize this unique and ambitious project back in 2006. In the ideal setting of Arenberg Castle young musical kids can since then get in real touch with the Festival, the world of Opera there, meet and work with professionals and discover one of the great treasures of our fantastic heritage of opera-repertoire. It is defenitely enriching to be part of this wonderful project!